Meet Maggie, our 27 year old molly mule who has a heart of gold. Yes, Maggie still works packing light loads into the wilderness. She is still one of the ones we consider an A team member! She is sound and happy and loves spending time in the mountains with the rest of her pals, but in 2019 we thought she would have to stay behind and not work the season with us in our wilderness camps. She just wasn't able to keep the appropriate amount of weight. Luck was on Maggie's side and we were recommended Sturdy Horse hemp pellets. Having never even heard of hemp as a horse feed we were a bit skeptical.

Maggie the 27 year old high country pack mule
We packed the pellets into camp and fed all the horses pellets with their hay. They ALL DID GREAT, but Maggie is the true winner of this story. Not only did Maggie keep her weight while at camp and working that year, BUT SHE GAINED weight. Maggie was again an A team member at our wilderness camps even this year (2020)!

Maggie still packing in 2020
Thank your Sturdy Horse for making it possible for Maggie to spend another year with her friends in the mountains. We will see what next year brings, but if she wants to, and continues to thrive on Sturdy Horse hemp pellets, Maggie might bless our camps again with her loving personality and gentle spirit.
Beau Hindi
Lead Guide – Quarter-Circle Circle Outfitters
Saguache, Colorado