Just Be Lena is a 11 year old mare I acquired due to what was thought to be a career ending or maybe even a life ending hoof injury. Lena had a toe crack approximately 1/2 inch wide that went through the lamina to the white line and all the way up to the coronet band on the hoof. My farrier, who is amazing at therapeutic shoeing, suggested that I use the Sturdy Horse hoof care. He said he had several cases that it had definitely aided in the health and recovery of the hoof.

Len's Hoof Before...
It took six months of careful management, therapeutic shoeing and Sturdy Horse hoof care; but my mare is now performing and expecting her first foal out of Shiny Outlaw.

6 Months in...

Lena fully healed
Elias H.
Quarter Circle H Bar Performance Horses
Vero Beach, Florida